
  • 0451-2432500
  • +91 6381039699
  • st.johnpaulacademy@gmail.com
  • Mon - Sat: 9am to 4pm

Our Vision , Mission and Core Values

Our Vision

The School aims at the all-round growth of the students and strives to inculcate in them a positive and healthy, physical, emotional and intellectual attitude. Efforts are so directed as to develop in them consciousness towards social obligations, appreciations of Indian art, culture, music, theatre, dance and yoga, together with computer literacy and understanding of the importance of physical fitness, as these combine to the hard core of a well-balanced personality.

The objective of the School is to equip the students mentally, morally, physically and culturally to become worth citizens of free india, to zealously guard and retain its noble traditions and make progress in a modern, scientific way. The school tries to develop qualities of initiative and leadership in students who are disciplined and have an educated mind and spirit, and hence are best suited to serve their country, best fitted to lead others and are best trained to fulfill their own dreams and aspirations.

Our Vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating learning environment where children will recongnize and achieve their fullest potentail. So that they can make their best contribution to the society. We want our children to be equipped with:.

  • A set of moral values - Honesty, Integrity and Good Judgement.
  • A complement of basic skills - Linguistic, Mathematical, Scientific, Artistic, Physical and Social.
  • An inquiring and discriminating mind and desire for knowledge
  • Strong selft-esteen and high Personal Expectation
  • Tolerance and Respect for others
  • valueing the partnership that exists between the school, parents and the soceity.

Our Mission

St.John Paul Academy CBSE is committed to the cause of quality education, where faculty, staff and administration, in partnership with the parents, students and community are committed in providing a safe and disciplined learning environment. it promotes the academic, intellectual , personal and social development of our children. We aim at the delevelopment of our children into capable , responsible, caring and ethical world citizens.

Our Core Values

  • Honesty
  • Integrity.
  • Quality
  • Accountability
  • Social Responsibility